Vaccine Certificate Correction Process and Links to Correct Mistakes


  1. Go to the CoWIN website:
  2. Click on the “Register/Sign in” button.
  3. Enter your mobile number and click on the “Send OTP” button.
  4. Enter the OTP that you received on your mobile number and click on the “Verify” button.
  5. Click on the “Raise an Issue” button.
  6. Select “Correction in my Certificate regarding Name / Age / Gender / Photo ID” from the drop-down menu.
  7. Select the member whose certificate you want to correct.
  8. Enter the correct information in the fields that you want to correct.
  9. Upload a copy of your photo ID as proof of the correction.
  10. Click on the “Submit Request” button.

What Information Can Be Changed in the CoWIN Certificate?

You can only change the following information in your CoWIN certificate:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Photo ID number

How Long Does It Take to Get a corrected CoWIN Certificate?

It usually takes 2-3 working days to get a corrected CoWIN certificate. However, it may take longer depending on the number of requests that the CoWIN system is processing.

What If I Make a Mistake When Correcting My CoWIN Certificate?

If you make a mistake when correcting your CoWIN certificate, you can submit a new request for correction. However, you will only be allowed to make one correction per certificate.

Where Can I Get Help If I Have Problems Correcting My CoWIN Certificate?

If you have problems correcting your CoWIN certificate, you can contact the CoWIN helpline at 1800-112-745. You can also submit a complaint on the CoWIN website.